Hey, friends I am back with the new collection of the girl’s numbers that you can use to communicate with them on Whatsapp. All these girls’ WhatsApp numbers are working but make sure to use these phone numbers to make friends with girls.
Here are some of the tips that might be helpful for you to talk to the girls if you’re shy in talking or chatting then here some of the tips might be helpful for you. Such as whenever you’re chatting with the girl make sure to pay complete attention to her words and try to make her laugh in most of the messages. This will help you to be on the top list of girls whenever she is alone she will talk to you because you make her happy and listen to her carefully.
So without wasting your valuable time, let’s check the list of the girls mobile numbers for friendship on WhatsApp that we have shared on our platform girlsnumberfree.in.
Girl Mobile Number For Friendship on WhatsApp List
No.1 | Girl Name | Phone Number |
1 | Aanya | 9876543210 |
2 | Aaradhya | 9123456789 |
3 | Ananya | 9988776655 |
4 | Diya | 9812345678 |
5 | Ishita | 9876512345 |
6 | Kavya | 9123456780 |
7 | Meera | 9988665544 |
8 | Naina | 9812233445 |
9 | Priya | 9876509876 |
10 | Riya | 9123450987 |
11 | Saanvi | 9988771234 |
12 | Tanvi | 9812346543 |
13 | Vaishnavi | 9876540987 |
14 | Zara | 9123454321 |
15 | Anika | 9988775432 |
16 | Anjali | 9812340098 |
17 | Ayesha | 9876548765 |
18 | Bhavya | 9123451234 |
19 | Charvi | 9988776789 |
20 | Dhriti | 9812344321 |
21 | Gauri | 9876546543 |
22 | Jiya | 9123456782 |
23 | Kriti | 9988774321 |
24 | Lavanya | 9812340987 |
25 | Mahika | 9876545432 |
26 | Myra | 9123456781 |
27 | Navya | 9988773456 |
28 | Pihu | 9812345670 |
29 | Radhika | 9876548760 |
30 | Samaira | 9123450986 |
31 | Shreya | 9988775678 |
32 | Siya | 9812346789 |
33 | Tia | 9876547654 |
34 | Trisha | 9123456783 |
35 | Vedika | 9988777890 |
36 | Yukta | 9812345671 |
37 | Aadhya | 9876543211 |
38 | Aashvi | 9123456784 |
39 | Advika | 9988771235 |
40 | Amaya | 9812348765 |
41 | Anvi | 9876546789 |
42 | Avni | 9123451235 |
43 | Diya | 9988779876 |
44 | Esha | 9812347654 |
45 | Hiya | 9876544322 |
46 | Ishani | 9123454322 |
47 | Jia | 9988776543 |
48 | Kiara | 9812345672 |
49 | Kyra | 9876540988 |
50 | Mishka | 9123456785 |
51 | Nishka | 9988778901 |
52 | Ojasvi | 9812343210 |
53 | Pari | 9876541234 |
54 | Prisha | 9123456786 |
55 | Riya | 9988770987 |
So try hard to find these numbers only for our readers hopefully you find this list helpful for more similar phone numbers you can easily lookup on our homepage or other pages.